Cordelia Alegre

The Union

Two 18-year-old twins, born in Colombia but raised in Barcelona, travel to their homeland to meet their paternal family. Cecilia spends the summer delving into her father's past, while Juliana tries to understand her present. Their discoveries cause them to drift apart in silence, but only together will they be able to complete the family story.

The story of my maternal family is full of silences. But not always of silent silences. There are silences filled with words, glances, or music. Silences that have shaped the way I relate to my mother and that, for as long as I can remember, have created in me the need to understand them. My grandparents died long before I was born. When my mother and my aunt were three years old, he died in Colombia. My grandmother returned to Barcelona, her homeland, and when her daughters were seventeen, she passed away. The two twin sisters were orphaned before reaching adulthood and began to build a life where they only had each other. "La Unión" arises from the need to explore family memory through understanding how our heritage shapes us and how each person finds their place in a family.


Producido por:

  • Dos Soles Media
  • Rara Colectivo
  • Rhayuela Films


With the collaboration of:

  • Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (development and production)
  • Ibermedia Program - development
  • UPF – Barcelona School of Management
  • The Screen La Incubadora
  • Ibero-American Screenwriting Residency Something in Common
  • TFL Extended
  • Scriptnest
  • Novos Cinemas Lab
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