Cordelia Alegre

LA DISTANCIA DE LOS NOMBRES – largometraje documental


Four university students embark on an intense search to try to find the protagonists of an unknown solidarity story from the Spanish Civil War. “La distància dels noms” sheds light on the almost erased memory of those days.



How far can we go if we follow the trail of a memory buried by the passage of time? What happens when someone decides to recover a small piece of memory? What do you feel when someone calls you to ask about a story you lived through seventy-five years ago? It is from the curiosity and the desire to find answers to this and many other questions that the documentary “La distància dels noms” was born. The project emerged from the discovery of a list with four hundred names, but it is thanks to the stories and memories encountered during this search that it has been possible to shape this reconstruction in the form of a documentary.


  • SEMINCI of Valladolid 2016, Doc España



  • Script and Direction: Cordelia Alegre, Clàudia Aragon Tirbió
  • Director of Photography: Clàudia Barberà Miró 
  • Editing and Sound Design: Nico Martínez Millán 
  • Music: Isidre Palmada 
  • Production: Oriol Cortacans, Batabat 
  • Delegated Production UPF: Jordi Balló, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
  • Script Editors: Jordi Balló, Isaki Lacuesta
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