Cordelia Alegre


Hola! Sóc Cordelia Alegre, una apassionada directora i guionista nascuda a Barcelona.

Cordelia Alegre, a director and screenwriter born in Barcelona, graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, with a course completed at the Université Paris VII. For her final degree project, she co-directed the documentary "La distància dels noms," which premiered at the Seminci of Valladolid in 2016. She pursued a Master's in Documentary at UPF and went on to become an assistant director to Neus Ballús in the film "Sis dies corrents," produced by Distinto Films. She currently works as a freelance filmmaker, specializing in audiovisual production of concerts for organizations such as L’Auditori and the Gran Teatre del Liceu. She is also the co-founder of the Association Nadir – Audiovisual and Education which develops film workshops in various educational centers.


Her short film "Mestral," produced by Fractal, was selected for the "Acció Curts" program by Dones Visuals and premiered at the D’A Festival in Barcelona, as well as being featured at the Aspen Short Film Festival (USA) and the Raindance Film Festival in London, among others. Simultaneously, she is developing the script for the fiction feature film "La Unión," produced by Àngels Masclans and the Colombian production company Rara Colectivo. The project has been part of several script labs (The Screen Incubator, Residencia Iberoamericana de Guion Algo en común, TFL Extended, Novos Cinemas, Scriptnest) and has received various development and production grants. Filming is scheduled for 2025. Her latest short film, "El norte" (currently in distribution), won the Crea Grant from the Barcelona City Council and was awarded 2nd prize at the "Emergente Cine Lab" short film lab.
+34 667 794 796

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